BACK FROM OBS!!!....... ... had a great time... and get to bond with my class even more! and had a great instructor ! BOON WEE!
BO SENG! ... that was my class group name during the obs course.... and later after that, we were introduced to our instructor, boon wee. At first, we all thought he was those type of "slacker" type... as he wore specs and looked quite young.... but it turned out that he was a very enthusiastic instructor, kind, lenient and friendly .... i think it was all because of him that my class had a great time there..... and we also taught him our favourite word... NASTY
we reported to school on 21 may, mon for our obs trip .... i remembered me and lois were reluctant to go there... and didnt know why addinu and cristal wanted to go (since they went there before)
ok so we boarded the bus and headed to punggol jetty ... on the way there, many of us complained abt the "toughness" that we had to endure during OBS... me, lois and eunice were complaining and wanted to go home... haha ....... upon reaching the jetty, we boarded the boat and went to pulau ubin.... then we alighted from the boat and went to the MPH of the OBS centre.....the first thing we had to do were all the admin stuffs and OUR GRP ALLOCATION!!!...... honestly, we were so afraid to be separeated from each other... so when we know that ALL of us were in BO SENG, we so-called jumped for joy.... yeah ... then we were introduced to our intructor boon wee ( we called him wee instead... as our CT is MR Wee)
then we told him abt our expectations for the Obs and we surrendered all our valuable items and, we had our lunch...and honestly speaking...the food there is better than YJ's food.....then we went for kayak........ok... in my opinion, the experience was not that bad, but as a person who doesnt like to be wet, i kinda dislike the capsized i paired up with addinu and we went first to practice the capsizing......i was so afraid... then we were told row our kayak within the boundery.... and we were teamed up with alex and eunice to practice the capsizing and T-rescue.....addinu wanted to capsize so we capsized and we got saved... but a few seconds later, we capsized again... this time was unprepared...and the nearest kayak (which was alex and eunice, who had saved us a few secs ago) was few metres away from us and both of us were drifting out of the restricted zone........ then, while eunice and alex were rescueing us, a big wave came and brought us further from the rest of the group....everyone was terrified now and my instructor quickly lent us a hand......preventing us(newbies) from floating away...and i was screaming .....
so at night, we were told where we were going to sleep ....and it was in the JUNGLE!!!..... charmaine was like "i dun wanna sleep in there!" ....and karsandra was screaming her lungs out..... so we decided to place the guys and girls tent facing each other..... i was sleeping with lois and karsandra....and our tent was facing zul,addinu and ying jian's tent.....OMG...the whole night, they were like playing and made us cant sleep.... they were moving their tent, giving speeches....and shouting "yameteh" and "nasty" ..... haha.... that made the night not so scary....

Formal Shot before Kayaking

informal shot before kayaking
Day 2
we had to trek through the jungle to another campsite, where we will be sleeping ........ during the journey, we realised that our class guys were very helpful and they helped us to carry the heavy tents when we could not hold on to it any longer.... i think during the trek, our class bonded very close.... we cheered, sang songs, told lame jokes while trekking... despite the heavy load that all of us were carrying ( all have to carry at least 4 kg load )
day 3
ok... on this day, we had to kayak back to the obs campsite........and addinu apparently wanted to capsized.... beofre that, he was splashing water to everyone....causing them to paddle away from us when they saw us.... the worse part came when he was with zul.... me and karsandra were drenched.....and the kayaks were swaying so badly cos they were busying playing with water........... and i was holding on to my dear life....
ko... so we paddled on and addinu was like making the boat "turning" to the left.....making the chances to capsize to increase....i told him of and he was like... " are u angry?" ,...then he splash water on me and said " u need some water to cool u down".................
then, he told me he really want to he exchanged with eunice to join cristal and eunice exchange with zul to join we paddled on... and i thought my journey will be quite risk-free, i realised that zul's paddling .....was more drastic then addinu's.......the boat was literally moving from side to side...... and he asked me whether i wanna capsize a not............why everyone wants to capsize??!! so then he changed with karsandra and i managed to reah the shore without capsizing......
then later in the afternoon, we had high elements activities.....and i managed to conquer the obstacles despite my fear of heights.... and my wanting to give up
day 4
we had our YJ challenge...we were teamed up with kurt, which was our buddy grp, and manage to complete station after station with teamwork....the most emeorable one was the giant skip.....16 ppl ahd to skip for 8 consecutive times within the 20 mins timeframe.....after like 15 mins, we still cant complete the task...and aft 20 mins, everyone was worn out but have not gave the instructor in charge gave us chance , by extending another 5 mins if we answer a question correctly... zhi hao got it correct and he was like i helped u all to get the extra 5 mins.... ok so we were desperately trying to skip and then it came... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .........8!!!
WE SKIPPED FOR CONSECUTIVE 8 COUNTS!!! everyone was running around, cheering like as if singapore had won the world was touching....
then aft that, me and addison made lois to talk in chinese for at least 5 mins................haha...and caused everyone to start talking to her in chinese
day 5 ( our last day )
we didnt really do much but the morining PT was the worst....we had to run for rounds....and later, we went to pack our store andhad our lunch bought some souvenirs back home..... then
it was time to go home....we were standing at the jetty ....and boon wee was not with us...we were so sad that we could'nt have the chance to say goodbye to him...then from far, we saw a familiar figure .............. IT WAS BOON WEE!!!.....
we shouted and waved frantically at him......then, the instructor who was in charge of the boat was pulling charmaine and eunice down to the boat but none of them wanted to board.....then wee managed to reach on time.....we gave him a grp hug and bade our goodbyes to him..... it was heartwarming..... and everyone was sad to leave that place..... despite our complains when we first reached the island.....
cristal and eunice cried.....and everyone were feeling down and tired.....
we had a wonderful time there.....
despite many hardships we faced........
we conquered each and everyone of them together.....
not as individual......
not as CTG 109.......
we grew up together as BO SENG!!!!
and all this was made possible all thx to the greatest instructor in the world....
THANK YOU BOON WEE FOR EVERTHING U HAD DONE TO GIVE US A MEMORABLE TIME IN OBS!!!......and we will not forget u in 5 years time, 10 years time and in a 100 years time!!!
YAY!!!.... the band concert ended last night!!!......this means that band practices will not be as stressful as before and i can finally watch yu le bai fen bai + study!!! ........ yeah.... last night, it was chaotic la... but at least we mange to pull through everything.... and my solo was successful!!!.... haha.... at least it didnt squeak....luckily changed instrument with wanyi.... haha...... and ... I WANNA SEE SP WITH BRACES!!! ahhahaha
must meet up with her man..... AND GET BACK MY $8 .... feel like going shopping.... haha...but i dunno wad to buy.... cos i'm not that spendthrift type....only on cds and vcd/dvd .... hehe
yeah... so thilaiga, her brother, shi hui, elizabeth, lawson and zhi yu went to the concert... although some i "forced" them to go...
haha....tomorrow will be going for OBS for 5 days.... tiring ..... must be separeated from my "nest" for 5 DAYS!!! ....... will miss my air-con.....and my bolster....
will post pic abt my concert day .....after i got the pic from jian hao and casper .......... but will take a long time.... cos casper will .be in china for 9 DAYS!!!! ...... must buy souvenirs!!!
wad's wrong with this world ??? i'm getting emotionless..... in wadeva i do.... and that F*** band practices are lining up again..... if they think they're god, then just leave me alone....cos i;m not one of them.........HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO MASTER ALL 8 SONGS IN A WEEK??!!........ i noe i cant make STOP IRRITATING ME WITH BAND!!!......everytime i receive the SL's day will go immediately BLACK.....and i will feel XXXXXXXTREMELY FRUSTRATED+ANGRY+FURIOUS+...... ........... although all meant the same thing, i just dun wanna care......... can "they" like just get outta my life and stick to the usual wed and fri band pract?......PISSED TO THE CORE!!!! .......... ARGHHHH.............alex and ming ching are so lucky... they have another CCA to back them up.....
i promised not to stay committed and what so ever.....
ha..SYF ended yesterday...and yjc got silver...athough it's only silver, it's the medal that we hoped to get and the recognition that we wantto obtained........and after the "speeches" by the seniors, teachers in charge and the conductor, i realised that the silver we got was more than just a was the pride and hope that yjc's band had gained....... the silver allows us to prove to the band world in singapore that althoughyjc band started off as a useless and hopeless band, it can also achieve something that it wants........
this was made possible by all the hard work we put in and the concentration and determination of wanting to bring glory to our school mentalilty during syf..... we performed at one of our best and if we still cant make it, at least we had tried our best and we're proud of wad we've achieved.....the yjc band had given me back the interest of being in band after CCHY had destroyed it.....due to some ppl in there.....
well... as for academic wise.....i am still trying to achieve something and i hope i can reach my feels weird of not knowing who ur real "academic rival" least during sec sch i know who i wanna beat....but unable to do so....cos SHE'S just to powerful.....yeah....if any o 4H ppl reading right now, i think u noe who is's a goal that is unattainable.....
ya...also to add in...i saw simeone that i shldnt see during syf....haiz....
and i also saw shi hui, anabel and phoebe....and my cousin at SCH..... all there because of SYF!
and realy, NY band's uniform is damn unique...........and expensive.......hahaha heard frm SH that they have to pay $75!!! hahhh
luckily i dont have to pay mine... well that's all...istil have to rush my econs essaY!!! ... or my ghostly teaher will come and haunt me! ... TATA
ok...who say's that guys mature when they grow older??!!......... it seemed to me that the guys ( or shld i sae BOYS ) in my class...are 100 times worse than my sec sch ones!!! ..... and i thought my sec sch ones were i think tt they are more...",mature" ....although they're not quite............. now me & lois are quite sure that the reason why our class is being blacklisted as one of the noisiest class is ALL BECAUSE of the childish ppl in our class.....haiz.... and they are sooooo ignorant abt it........ WHAT SHIT IS ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL??
when troubles come, do we really want to sacrifice for others?..... And do others really want to sacrifice for you? ........ i DONT THINK SO
stupid...i think my life is getting more heywired each day!!!........DAMNED IT !!! now my class have to sit separately for the STUPID chem lecture la...ass....stupid...treat us like little kids or wAD?...... .... still sae they will treat us like adults.... WTF .... and F***ing LONG LONG teacher.... i think she's suffering from menopause.... .... ass.... and i thought having band was bad enough ... now even chem gives me irritation....
DAMN LA......... my life just SUCKS!..... just wished NY was located near my house....then i definitely will go back.... who wants to study in a attap house when u can enjoy living in a MANSION?! & NY definitely treats their students as adults...and they oso give them quite a lot of freedom.... haiz...why am i soooo blind as to leave there???
ARGHHH!!! ....... i dare sae the teachers in my school (not all ) are unreasonable, have attitude problem, are old-fashioned, are too old to be teaching....due to their mental "unstabilitiness" and are just...... we just cant communicate and they thought that everyone understands their F***ing was OF TEACHING LA!!! ESP THE LONG ASS TEACHER!
all vulgarities are just spewing out like a loose tap....... AND THE ANGER IIN ME CAN JUST LIGHT THE WHOLE EARTH FOR 3D3N!!!