today a maths qn forget to do....dunno lose how many marks already....wad the......
finally.....aft my previous phone went to participate in a diving conetest,.............i finally got my phone!!! it's beautiful....& complicated .....prelims coming soon....must not slack!!! and must not lose ouT!!!
FINALLY!!!....aft 3 yrs ++++++.........i've officially removed my braces on this very day!!! woohooo!!! & i've also bought jay chou's new album <>....they even give the poster...although it's only available when u pre-order it.....maybe no one went to that shop to pre-order.......& i saw My-Girl and princess hours' OST there!!!............left one each...haiz..but i never buy.....have the drama can already...besides, i may not like some of the songs in it

oh ya....forgot to write sth....yesterday read the newspapaer and saw an article abt hu ge.... he met with car accident!!! ........need to have many stitches!!! unlucky..........ope he's ok now....and also pray tt he's face would not be disfigured and no need to undergo plastic surgery....

Last night, my tuition class celebrated Teachers' Day for Mrs lee. well, we ordered pizza and have some drinks....there's not class tt night