haiz...recently....i like edison chen!!!

"First Love Of A Royal Prince" rocks!!!!

finally...the eye 10 is finally out!!! i bought it just now...later going to watch with my bro ....

kim jae won...hahaha...my love for him has once ignited....

Haiz...feeling damn bored now...so blog again...the worst thing is later have tuition!!! ARGH!!!...anywayz...tomorrow going to my mum's friend house for dinner...something like a "party"....expect the unexpected!!!....maybe socialise a bit....sp say a lot of ppl sae i very fierce and not socialise....please!!! i'm NOt a socialist>.....Ha...bored
Well...finally the mid-year is over....now can start to relax already...hope that i wont fail any subject...haiz...that's impossible....maybe will fail bio....
Well...finally the mid-year is over....now can start to relax already...hope that i wont fail any subject...haiz...that's impossible....maybe will fail bio....
haiz today was Physics and History....not too bad...at least not too difficult....still manage to answer most of the question.....but not all .... tomorrow is bio...now still studying...but it just cant get into my head...so boring...i think i'm going to rent VCDs to watch after the exams...or even drama serials....there's a new korean drama serial....forgot wad name...prince something one...starring cha tae hyun!!!....ok...anywayz...now channel u showing that 'My Fair Lady' , there's one actress in it who acted in the ' wishing stairs'...that person looks very alike to jeon ji htun....i suspect that she went for plastic surgery...actually that kim hee sun, the so-called 'prettiest girl in korea', went for plastic surgery to get the face she has now....fake....

whAt hAppenS iF u mEt a pReTTy gUy???!!!....daNieL Wu roCkS!!!

Haiz...now is the mid yr exams....must do well...today's socal studies paper was not given enough time...the source-based was too difficult...struggle like hell...but the A-maths paper was very easy...luckily Ms Wong never set too difficult questions....able to complete the paper quite easily and fast...tml is phy and hist!!! 2 VERY major paper...wish me luCk!!!
Gd lUCk foR thE eXamS!!!

heheh...now have another fav celebrity liao...DANIEL WU ROCKS!!!